“It was so real; it was really, real; it was realistic!” So spoke Otto, the hero of Alex Cox’s cult classic, Repo Man. He likely didn’t realize how profound that statement would be for the discipline of real-time data processing! We’ve talked about it since the movie debuted in 1983, but the definition of “real” just keeps on changing. For some scenarios, intraday is just fine; for others, the latency can be a minute; for still others, milliseconds are the magic! For the fastest processing, the speed of light becomes your barrier. What does this all mean for your organization?

Check out this episode of SoftWare In Motion to find out! Host @eric_kavanagh and Co-Host Chris Sachs will examine the Latency Curve, a Bloor Group chart that shows the array of speeds at which information systems operate, and how that maps to common business use cases.