The Briefing Room with DigitalHive
Static reports going live, real-time, available and up-to-date whenever needed. Stitching information together and closing the contextual loop on data assets. This is a real-world story of how data can change culture, not just internally but for your customers, partners and suppliers. 
Register for this Briefing Room to hear Bloor Group CEO Eric Kavanagh explain how the syntheses of data and small changes in critical processes can have major impact. He’ll be joined by Darren Williams, from global travel management company Clarity, who’ll demonstrate live how by introducing an ‘intelligent’ analytics portal into his tech stack he’s opened up new revenue generating channels, created data harmony and the ability to present compelling data stories to the business.
Scott Masson of Digital Hive will explain how his company’s software has aided Darren’s journey with it’s ability to consume any Business Intelligence asset, from virtually any platform or technology, enabling the long-sought strategic view of information assets. Explaining how introducing an Intelligent Analytics Portal into your data offering can shine a light on the very best of *your* BI and drive successes for you and your customers changing business culture for the better.